
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

50 Cent Iced Coffee and the Country Pop "Silent" Treatment From Hell.

Today was a great day. I got to discover and experience the 50 cent iced coffee in the book store. It was FANTASTIC. If your school doesn't have 50 cent iced coffee in the book store, I am truly sorry that you're missing out. Hopefully your school has something else really awesome and exciting to brag about. If  not, I've walked myself into an awkward corner and I apologize. Anyway, I made this discovery during my evening class. That means I drank said 50 cent iced coffee roughly around 6 or 6:30 pm. Now, I was the kid you probably knew growing up whose mother didn't let them drink mountain dew. I was a pretty active child anyway, and any extra energy would have thrown me into cardiac arrest. That on top of the fact that I gave up soda in December and have grown less and less tolerant of caffeine has resulted in my being jittery and completely EXCITED about everything at 11:30 pm. Good one iced coffee. Good one.

This energy has helped me finish several assignments early as well as produce a few little gems of artwork. For some reason tonight's muse is Ron Swanson. Ive drawn 3 Ron Swanson pictures in the last hour or so. Some would say I'm on a roll, I say it's a bit excessive. Either way I hope this energy passes soon. I don't want my sleep completely jacked up over this coffee; that would cause a latte problems (hey-oh!). Just a little coffee pun humor for you.

Anyway, here's one of my pictures from this evening. 

In other news, it's been fairly quiet on the room mate front. Well, other than the silent wrath of Room mate C. She's very upset with me and subsequently has chosen to NOT talk to me. It's been such a sweet relief! Honestly, girl tends to overreact. We once had a whole suite come to Jesus meeting (we have a lot of those here) and she ran away crying right in the middle of it. I mean, I would understand if everyone was ganging up on her threatening murder, but everyone was yelling at ME at the time. I think she's been calling that Gender Box Anonymous hotline too much honestly. Note: Gender Box Anonymous is a totally not imaginary hotline that people call to help them come to terms with, and hone their gender box capabilities. And by totally not imaginary I mean I just made it up right now. Room mate C seems to always be on the phone but it's never with her parents or her boyfriend. The totally nonfictional Gender Box Anonymous hotline is the ONLY possible explanation. They've been teaching her how to cook, sew, and cry endlessly. I blame Gender Box Anonymous for all of this.

Anyway, her silent treatment "punishment" has given me loads more time to work on my more important and relevant daily routines. Like sleeping, relaxing, doing homework, or doing my dishes without her complaining to me about a problem she created for herself. It's also amplified how annoying I think she is. See, I hear her voice a lot less, but when I do hear it I remember what was so irritating in the first place. This weekend Room mate C and Room mate D discovered that they just love country pop, and it was time they bonded over their mutual poor choice in music preferences. They stood in the kitchen together and sang a nice little diddy by Keith Urban. They sang it over, and over, and over again until I had to get the HELL outta Dodge. COME ON people, he's from New Zealand and he looks like Prince Charming from Shrek! WHAT is he doing singing ANY form of country music? Now, I know I'm being a little childish. And I'll admit I know very little about New Zealand. Everything I learned about New Zealand comes from Flight of the Concords, so I know my education in that area is slightly lacking. But that doesn't make his resemblance to Prince Charming from Shrek any less real. And that resemblance alone means he shouldn't be singing anything in the country music realm. I even made a little visual for you all to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

Add some facial hair to Prince Charming and you got yourself a Country Pop "artist"
This man looks like he's never been hit in the face, and to me that means he has no business singing country music. Period. Sure, he has the history of alcohol abuse, but it just doesn't count in my eyes. Leave the genre to people who know how to treat it right Keith, and just go ahead and do pop music instead.

At the end of the day, I wish I'd known my room mates were so fond of country pop before I agreed to live with them. That alone would have raised enough red flags to convince me that this was not the suite to live in. But we persevere and grow and we learn that next time we live with strangers to NOT chose the room across from the kitchen where everyone gathers to cry and sing Keith Urban garbage.

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